Ooika events
Join Ooika at upcoming events, educational classes, tastings, and special collaborations.

Craft of Matcha at Princeton University Wintersession
Ooika will be holding the “Craft of Matcha” workshop at Princeton University, part of the “Winter Session” series!


PJA: Learn and Taste Fresh Ground Matcha!
Learn about authentic Matcha cultivation and production with Ooika Matcha's founder, Marc. Exclusively for PJA members, you'll gain insight into what makes Matcha so unique and delicious. Taste through various cultivars while hearing stories from the tea farms.

Rider University Matcha Making Class
Ooika held a Matcha making class at Rider University Dining hall. Students crafted their own bowls of Usucha (thin tea), Koicha (thick tea,) and Matcha lattes. Topics such as the history and cultivation of heritage Matcha was covered.

Join us for a special OOIKA X LIFE&COFFEE Collaboration at Ooika Matcha Lawrenceville. Fresh-ground Military Lattes and more.

Art of Matcha at Princeton Art Council
Learn the fascinating history, intricate production methods, and cultural significance of this traditional Japanese tea with the Arts Council of Princeton

Soft Opening of Ooika Matcha physical space!
Ooika fresh mills single-origin Matcha with traditional Japanese stone mills in the U.S.

Ooika Special Guest Talk - Urasenke Tankokai Philadelphia
Ooika has been invited by Urasenke Tankokai Philadelphia to give a special guest talk followed by Q&A at the Shofuso Japanese Cultural Center in Philadelphia, PA.

Ooika in Guadalajara Mexico: Matcha Live Classes
Ooika is hosting an upcoming live and in-person interactive Matcha class at Soy Te in GDL Mexico on Friday, November 2nd, and Saturday, November 3rd.

Matcha Fundamentals Class at Soy Té, Mexico
Our exciting class on elements of Japanese Tea and Matcha fundamentals was successfully held at Soy Té in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Ooika X Tea Drunk “Mo Cha” Collaboration
An exciting collaboration between Ooika and Tea Drunk to historically recreate “Mo Cha”, the precursor to contemporary Japanese Matcha.